Stepping into your feminine power is not always easy. It can be hard; you feel drained, angry or sad or you feel a lot of energies racing through your body. It is all part of the journey.
The feminine and the masculine
We all have the availability of both the feminine and the masculine energy. In many of us one of them is dominant. And in the western society this is the masculine. Getting to know your feminine energy and integrating this in daily life is what will shift your life. You can shine your unique more clearly when you bring balance in both energies.
Deepening through remembrance
Do you hear the calling, do you remember? We as women are such powerful creators, bringers of life. And the best thing is that we don’t have to learn anything. The wisdom and all we need to know is already present in ourselves. Waiting for us to remember. To remember who we truly are.
Getting to know your inner critic
Playing small is something I recognize in many women. Most of the time there is this part of us that tells us we are not good enough, we don’t know enough yet, we look terrible in that dress… Welcome inner critic.
Stepping into the new
Are you done with playing small? Do you feel there is more to explore, more to be, more freedom, more joy. Time to get rid of all the limiting beliefs, the fear and doubt. It is time to step fully in your unique light and play the biggest game possible.
Alleen je eigen ballen hooghouden
Misschien herken je het patroon dat je meer ballen hooghoudt dan nodig en dat dit vaak ook de ballen van anderen zijn. Het levert je vaak op dat je gewaardeerd wordt. De keerzijde is echter dat het je veel energie kost en je komt minder toe aan waar jij blij van wordt. Gelukkig kan dit ook anders!