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It isn’t always bliss and joy

door | 23 jun, 2022 | Femininity, Verbinding, Zelfliefde

Stepping into your feminine power is not always easy. It can be hard; you feel drained, angry or sad or you feel so many energies racing through your body. It is all part of the journey. What is happening is that we are being invited to feel, to truly feel and be with it. Just let it arise in your body and be aware of it. You do not have to do anyhting else. This deepening of our feelings asks for extra selfcare. It is important to rest when you feel your body needs it, go for a walk, sleep more. Whatever makes you feel good. I am slowing down, making more time for me. I walk, dance and integrate.

In which way can you take even more care for you 💝

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