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The feminine and the masculine

door | 14 jun, 2022 | Femininity, Opvoeden, Verbinding, Zelfliefde

The last weeks I have been thinking about why it is such an important journey for me to become the true woman I am? I realised there are two main reasons. The first is that I belief that we are here to shine our own unique light into the world, to fully embody this light. And the more I clear all the density I carry with me from past experiences, the more light can flow through me.

The second reason is that in my work I see daily that we have inherited stuff from our parents. Things they couldn’t look at and process. Things that, if we don’t solve them ourselves, we will pass on to our children. I feel very strongly that this is not what the children are here to do.

There is not one quick fix we can all use. We are with so many women and we all are unique. We all are different in the way we look, in the way we live, in the way we perceive life. The way we are brought up has a huge impact on how we look at life and what we think about ourselves. What we have seen in our parents, what we have been thought in schools shapes our beliefs about being a woman. And that is exactly the way it is supposed to be. But… what happened is that most of the women are brought up from a dominant masculine perspective.

The masculine is what ruled the world for quite some time now. And it was necessary and it brought the world a lot. But there is no balance anymore. The feminine is being suppressed in many places in the world. Luckily I see it shifting. I believe that many people, and especially women, feel that change is needed and that it is time for the feminine to arise. It is no coincidence that so many women around the world are raising their voice and are showing themselves and demand to be heard.

What I find important to mention is that everybody, men or woman, has the availability of both the feminine and the masculine energy. The feminine energy symbolizes the way inward. It is the energy that opens you up to emotions, feelings, creativity and the creative process that is needed before you come out with something. It is the place you feel into your desires. 

The masculine energy symbolizes the way out. It is the energy you need for action, results, thinking and being persistent. It is also the energy you need when bringing your desires into form and manifest them into the world. Brining this energies in balance in yourself is what I belief is the task for every one of us.

A lot of things are written and told about specific the feminine energy. I would love to talk about this more in the next post. Do you already know your feminine energy. How do you access it and how do you integrate this in daily life? I would love to hear from you.

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